About Shannon…

Have you ever…had a dream that creeped you out, or was so frighteningly sensual it kept you thinking about it for days on end? Could there really be ghosts and demons and angels and blood-sucking beings walking among us? If so…what would happen if you met one? Or have you ever gotten so absorbed in a romance that your heart ached when you finished reading the book or series (don’t lie, I know you read Twilight).

Constantly inspired by my crazy dreams, the weather and landscapes of the Pacific Northwest, as well as my warped imagination, I’ve begun writing fictional stories. If you ever check out my Goodreads book shelf, you’ll see I love a variety of genres. So, my stories are just as diverse; from paranormal thrillers to dystopian adventures to contemporary romance (I confess, a good love story and a little smut can make my day).

I live near Seattle with my husband, two young boys, a fat black cat and an adorable boxer. I’m a soccer mom, writer, former Corporate America worker bee, and a member of RWA and GSRWA.

I have a healthy obsession for the Irish/Scottish band Snow Patrol and rock, and I’m a happy Seattle Sounders FC fan.

Life is good.

~Shannon O’Brien

           (Seattle Sounders Fans!!)


3 thoughts on “About Shannon…”

  1. Hi Shannon, thanks for following me.

    • Hi R.E.,
      My friend, romance author Veronica Blake, had a great blog today and mentioned your what-happens-to-authors-when-their-publisher-hits-the-wall/ article. It was very well done and shocking. She and I have agreed that finding an agent first would be the most reasonable choice to hopefully avoid some of these headaches.

      • Yeah, I saw it. She followed me about the same time as you. With all the change that’s happening, I suggested she consider self-publishing if she can get her rights back. It’s worked out very well for other authors, especially if their name is already known and they put all their backlist up. I have another article coming that I think is a real eye-opener.

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